Quick and easy filesharing for your self or team. Instead of free, slow, ad-ridden or unsafe methods, our Fileshare service gives you a simple yet professional way to share any type of files with clients and remote team-mates.
Designed for individuals or small organizations, Fileshare offers a simple interface to upload and manage all your shares. Simply drag-n-drop files, and share links to recipients. Select options to limit downloads, set passwords, and auto-delete to save storage space.
Powered by Gokapi open source
Fileshare Online
MYR10(USD3)/month (billed annually)
Unlimited shares & file size
30GB standard storage
(additional storage available)
Custom domain name available
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Fileshare On-Prem / Enterprise
Custom / on-premises solutions available
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Need more than simple filesharing? Get Nextcloud Server to enable Workspace Collaboration for teams and enterprise.